Legal issues that involve children are some of the most challenging to navigate. Emotions run high and although everyone wants to prioritize the needs of their children, it is common for warring spouses to disagree about the decisions that need to be made.
If you are facing child custody disputes, then it is important that you have the guidance of an experienced child custody lawyer who truly cares about the well-being of you and your children. A reputable attorney will minimize conflict and will ensure that an outcome is reached which protects your child’s best interests.
At WSM, our Fishers child custody lawyers represent women exclusively. Our dedication to women gives us a unique ability to meet their needs and those of their children. Our goal is always to leave our clients feeling empowered with an understanding of their rights and confident about their future.
A court-ordered child custody arrangement is legally binding, which means that the outcome will have a big impact on your future. Our legal practice can help guide you through all family law matters, including child custody, child support, spousal support, property division, court order enforcement or modification, protection orders, and more.
To arrange a free consultation with a Fisher’s child custody lawyer for women, contact our law office today at 380-212-3731.
Family law is largely dictated by state law. In Indiana, there are two forms of custody, physical and legal, which can each be granted to one parent or both.
If a parent is granted legal custody, then it means that they have the right to make important decisions on their child’s behalf. For example:
It is possible for both parents to share joint legal custody even if they do not live together, which enables both parents to be involved in these important decisions.
If a parent is granted physical custody, then they have the right to spend time with their child. Important physical custody decisions include where the child’s primary residence is and who has responsibility for their day-to-day care. It is usually considered to be in children’s best interest for parents to share physical custody.
Physical custody could be shared equally, meaning the child could spend equal time with each parent. Although this might sound like a fair arrangement, it can be impractical, or it may cause too much disruption for the child. Therefore, it is also common for one parent to be granted primary physical custody, and the other will have visitation rights.
A typical visitation schedule is every other weekend and one weekday evening each week. Generally, a parent cannot be granted less than the minimum visitation. However, if one parent poses a risk to their child’s wellbeing, then it is possible for them to lose their parental rights and, therefore, not be granted custody. Even in this extreme set of circumstances, it is possible that they will be granted supervised visitation.
In Indiana, all family law decisions must be made with the child’s best interests at heart. Parents will often work with a Fisher’s child custody attorney to make their own custody decisions. However, they will still need to be approved by a Judge who will need to determine whether the decisions reached are in line with the law.
When determining whether decisions have been made based on the child’s best interests, the Judge may consider factors such as:
If you or your children have suffered domestic abuse or violence from your child’s other parent, then we can help. We understand how difficult it is to take those first steps, but when you reach out to us, we will be prepared to support you.
We are highly skilled in high-conflict divorce and child custody cases, including those involving domestic violence, high assets, narcissistic behavior, and litigation.
Our dedication to women’s needs has allowed us to create a safe space where women feel supported. We have a unique ability to help women facing even the most difficult circumstances and to guide them to a new life.
Our first priority is always the safety of you and your children. We will file a protection order to keep your spouse away from you so that you have the time and space you need to make decisions about your future. We will work with you to collect evidence and to ensure that the court is made aware of your experiences and considers them when making child custody decisions.
When parents divorce, decide to separate, or do not have an existing relationship together, the non-custodial parent (the parent who is granted visitation rights), is usually required to make a monthly payment to the custodial parent for the support of the child. Child support payments are intended to help the primary caregiver properly take care of their children and provide assistance with housing, food, education, and basic needs.
Child support payments usually finish when the child turns 19. However, this may be extended if the child has a mental or physical disability that requires additional care. The amount of financial support granted depends on a number of factors, including the net income of the other parent. An experienced family law attorney can help you with calculating the child support that your children are entitled to.
Once you have a court-ordered child custody arrangement, you and your ex-spouse have a legal duty to adhere to its terms. However, the court also recognizes that sometimes life changes, and an order that once worked for you and your family may no longer be viable.
When this happens, you cannot simply stop meeting your obligations. Instead, you must follow the proper legal process and apply for a modification. If you can show that there has been a substantial change in circumstances, such as a new job, or an illness, then the court should accept. One of our family law attorneys can guide you through the process and will ensure that you have the evidence you need.
Another justification could be if your ex-spouse repeatedly fails to meet their obligations. Perhaps they continually miss visitation or fail to make child support payments. When this happens, one of our lawyers can help you take appropriate action.
When you are dealing with family law matters involving children, it is important that you take great care to ensure that their needs are prioritized at all times. Having the right support and guidance will make a big difference.
Choosing a law firm can feel overwhelming, so here are a few things to look for:
When a law firm is focused on family law and does not split its time between many practice areas, it ensures that all of its time, experience, and resources are dedicated to helping people in a similar position to you. At WSM, our law firm represents women in family law matters in Indiana and Ohio exclusively.
Family law is based largely on state law; therefore, finding a local law firm ensures that your attorney has an in-depth understanding of the relevant laws in your case. A local attorney is likely to have worked with the Judge overseeing your case before, so they can tailor their strategy. At WSM, our Indiana office is in Indianapolis, not far from Fishers, IN.
An experienced attorney should be a skilled mediator. Mediation is a powerful tool that can help you and your exposure come to your own personalized agreements where possible. It often saves time and money on court proceedings and helps protect children from a long court battle.
Your child custody lawyer must also be a skilled litigator so that they can advocate on your behalf in court if necessary. If your attorney is not prepared to go to court, then you might be forced to compromise on key issues. A skilled litigator will ensure that your rights are protected throughout.
Child custody is an emotional issue, and your lawyer should make you feel supported. Although they may have busy caseloads, they should make time to inform you about the laws surrounding your case so that you have the clarity you need. If you have questions, you should be able to contact them, and they should respond to you promptly.
At WSM, we take a highly personalized approach. We take the time to listen and adapt to your needs so that we can best support you. We strongly believe in empowering women by giving them knowledge about their rights.
Family law issues are highly personal, and it is important that you and your lawyer share similar values. For example, some lawyers might be quick to use litigation, while others strive to minimize conflict. You should consider what approach is right for you and your family.
At WSM, we always prioritize the needs of children. We will minimize conflict where possible but will always be prepared to litigate on our client’s behalf.
Many family law firms, including WSM, offer a free consultation. This is a great opportunity to decide if your potential lawyer is a good fit. You can use this time to ask them about their experience and approach and to decide whether you feel comfortable speaking with them. Remember, you may be spending a lot of time with your attorney discussing very personal issues, so it is important that you like them.
The cost of representation depends on many factors, such as the complexity of your case and the need for litigation. In your free consultation, we can advise you on how much your case is likely to cost based on your individual circumstances so that you can make an informed choice.
Every case is different, and while custody arrangements are finalized in a matter of months, others take over a year. We will help move your case forward as quickly as possible without ever compromising on your child’s needs.
While you are awaiting a decision to be reached regarding your child custody attorney can help you file for temporary orders. In some cases, the Judge may implement temporary orders without anyone filing for them. This will provide parents with a temporary child custody order (usually until the child custody agreement has been finalized).
It is a common misconception that mothers are more likely to be granted custody because the court favors them. The court is legally obligated to make decisions based on their child’s best interests and not gender. It is up to you and your attorney to demonstrate what that is.
When parents share custody equally, then it could be that neither pays child support. However, if one parent earns significantly more, then they may be ordered to pay the other child support.
If you believe that you should be granted sole custody because the other parent is unfit, then you will need to show that they endanger your child’s wellbeing. A child custody attorney can help you to collect the evidence you need and present it to a Judge. Evidence may include photos, professional reports, and witness testimony.
No. You are under a legal obligation to facilitate visitation even if you are missing child support payments. Fortunately, child support payments do not disappear, so you should be paid what you are owed eventually, but you should speak to a lawyer who can help you to follow the correct legal procedures.
In most family law cases, each party is expected to pay its own legal fees. However, if there is a significant wage disparity, then the Judge may order the higher-earning spouse to pay towards the others’ legal fees.
If you can provide evidence that shows that there has been a substantial change in circumstances that justify a change in your child support order, then you can apply for a modification at any time.
Our team is comprised of men and women who are dedicated to the needs of women. However, we understand that some women would prefer female representation, and we are always happy to accommodate them.
The child custody attorneys here at WSM all share one goal – to help guide women through family law matters so that they feel empowered to move forward with their lives.
We always prioritize the needs of the women we work with and their children, whether that means utilizing skilled mediation, fierce litigation, or simply being there to lend a sympathetic ear when you need it.
Arrange a free consultation with an experienced family law lawyer in Indiana at 380-212-3731.
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